Tuesday, November 22, 2011


found this in my bathroom while i was thinking of what i could use for x lol its a towel hanger..

X is for Xylophone

i think thats how you spell it but at least i can kinda sound it out.. well this isnt a xylophone.. it a german xylophone! :D lol germany is amazing :) but yes. its german and its a glockenspiel (which translates to... bell play.. i believe)

X is for X-ray

i know i already used this but its the only x ray i ever got so for me thats good. the blog. not so much lol jk

OMG W! haha sorry i had to :)

OMG W! hahaha me and natalie had the biggest inside joke last year all about just one letter! guess which one.. w! hahaha those were somne really good times and it had to do with the teachers so now carson is the "w school" lol ohhh myyy :) <3

W is for Whiskers

:) hehe its pit-pits <3

W is for Whismy

now. i didnt really know what whimsy meant and i loooked and kinda got the idesa that it was fancy so heres my fancy drawing on my hands cuz i got REALLLY bored in school one day lol

W is for Water

i know, i know.. another vaca pic. but i got a lot of pretty pics from there and i really like they turned out but i cant remember if i used this already.. but it works :) lol

W is for Warm

Well my old phone let you take weird colored pics with little frame type thing and so  took a banana pillow and took a pic lol well, electricity is warm. am i worng? haha

W is for Wonder

I really wonder wha wonder this thing is looking at to make that wonder-ful face.. haha
(my friend sent this to me. he drew it. not me.)

Monday, November 21, 2011

ok so i found this store right after i started this blog and thought it was really cool.. i didnt really have a use for it but now i do. because its the same name as the blog thats benn really cool for me too see all kinds or various cool, pretty, funny pictures :)

V id for Vicious

O.o oh mai.. even tho i know she was playing.. she still scares me a little each time i look.. sorry its so blurry too the pic on my computer was really small for some reason...

V is for Victory

VICTORY! i not only got the wings on the dog, but now she can fly!!! YUSS!

V is for Vigorous

now, i wasnt sure what this one meant but i looked it up and all i can say is she was vigorously going to th zoo in this pic? oh chanel.. *facepalm* lol

V is for Vacation

I just talked about this in the last post but when we would come home from doing fun things like that, we came to this amazing house. once again, most of you saw ;)

U is for Umbrella

vacation. ocean city maryland. pairasailing. funn timee. lol and i must say this is one big umbrella. you shoulve seen the shadow it left! even though most people on this blog have ;)

U is for Unsightly

O.M.G. i love this one.. me and chanel forced our little guy friend named guy to get a makover and he made the perfect girl even though to some who werent there.. this may be a little unsightly :) hahah moree goood timess (he only acted sad for the pic but he LOVED it! hahaha

U is for Under

Falling down under a slide :) goood timesss

U is for Ugly

this may seem rude but shes my bffl like seriously. we are BEST FREINDS lol but yeah we can make some pretty weird faces that arent always pretty sometimes lulzz

U is for Uneven

i drew it on a balloon and took it at a weird angle so yeah.. you can see why its a little uneven lol

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sorry.. Again. :P

Sorry its been a while! Its been a very busy October! its already slowing down though so ill have the U pictures up by the end of the week. sorry for the wait, and sorry i piled it on all right now but its up and ill keep up this time sooo.... ENJOY! : D

T is for Tumble

Paytons all ready for gymnastics :) 21 months and alredy doing somersalts.. impressive haha

T is for Trouble

You know when Lola is in trouble.. this is her "trouble face" or "elvis face" becuase usually her lips are up really far almost like a smile..

T is for Team

What team is this fan rooting for? well Steelers! duh who else!? haha

T is for Table

This poor table! D:          (also taken with phone)
I guess the last one couldve been this too but i feel this is more fitting lol :)

T is for Train

Me and chanel making cookies.. BAD IDEA! lol i made a lamb cookie and she made.. well.. poop colored icing soo she put my cookie near it and we just cannot train that lamb to not go on the table! lol

S is for Scattered

At the farm, the horses are always scattered around.

S is for Sunny

Yes this WAS in pittsburgh. it was really nice that day! you dont get many of those here :)

S is for Scary

In the barn, kinda dusty... hahaha

S is for Social

Me and Rachel are pretty social, if i do say so myself. lol

S is for Shiny

My shiny little airplane i made :) no instructions. no picture. just a set of building "toy" supplies lol

R is for Rainbow

lol on my way to school :)

R is for Raindrops

I like to draw pictures and listen to music, a lot of the time i mix the two. This time i was listening to sunday morning by maroon 5 and i felt like drawing sooo here you go. :)
heres a link if you wanna listen, its pretty good.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dG_REU30sxM

R is for Roadside

On a bike ride, we saw a resturant called shakespear and it looked like a roadside castle

R is for Refreshing

...lol me and my friend were playing a game an this is what we ended up with. plus a lot more weird pictures..

R is for Reflection

This was really cool! when Brenda had Kiera , her room was next to scafolding. the scafolding reflected into the bathroom mirror so if you were in the right spot, this is what you saw :)
It was on my phone so its a little blurry.

Q is for Quarter

this turned out really cool but theyre quarters so.. there not much more to say...